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International Biodeterioration
and Biodegradation Symposium

9 - 12 September 2024 | Berlin, Germany

Registration / Visa Request

Unfortunately, registration was only possible until 3 September. Further registrations can no longer be accepted. 

Delegates Early* Late
IBBS- / DECHEMA-Members 620,- € 720,- €
Non-Members 720,- € 820,- €
Student IBBS- / DECHEMA-Members1 270,- € 360,- €
Student Non-Members1 370,- € 460,- €
* Deadline for early bird registration: 14 July 2024
1) Proof of status required
Mixed VAT: registration fee includes Business Package with 19% VAT., no VAT for scientific conferences according to § 4.22 UstG

Please note: Registration is only possible until 3 September 2024. A later registration (also on site) is unfortunately not possible.

IBBS membership

IBBS members benefit from a reduced registration fee on IBBS 19.

Furthermore, IBBS19 attendees can benefit of a 50% discount on a 3-year membership application/renewal on IBBS! More information how to become member of IBBS is available at

To register for the conference for the membership fee, attendees have to be a IBBS- or DECHEMA member at the beginning of the conference. 

Travel and attendance grants

Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) Grants (by CA20130)

IBBS has a long tradition in supporting younger scientists at the beginning of their career. We are therefore delighted that IBBS19 has succeeded in organizing a COST Action Euro MIC travel and attendance grants (EU Horizon 22, CA20130) to support the participation of up to 8 young researchers. Eligible are young researchers coming from COST’s ITC countries1 and COST’s Near Neighbor Countries2. Any young researcher from these countries, who will present a lecture or poster at IBBS19 can apply for the grant. Every successful applicant will receive 1,200 € after the conference, once the final report has been submitted and approved. Of course, the logo of the sponsor (Euro MIC) must be shown on the presentation at IBBS19. More information on the COST ITC grants can be found here.

In case of questions please contact Maria Salta or Ivana Dinic.

1(Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Republic of North Macedonia, Republic of Serbia, Turkey, and Ukraine)
2(Algeria, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Jordan, Kosovo, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, The Faroe Islands, and Tunisia)

FEMS Grants

This meeting is selected by the Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) to offer grants for event participation for Early Career Scientists (250 - 740 Euros).   

To apply for this grant, you would need to meet following requirements:

  • be a member of a FEMS Member Society* or be recommended by such a member
  • be an Early Career Scientist**
  • be an Active Microbiologist
  • be presenting author at the meeting (oral or poster)

*Find out if your society is a FEMS Member at
**These are active microbiologists who obtained the highest academic degree - Bachelor, Master or PhD - less than five years prior to the application deadline date, or are a Master or PhD student. Periods of maternity/paternity leave, special leave or illness do not count toward this definition.

Application process
Applications can be submitted after confirmation of acceptance of the submission as a lecture or poster. The amount to be paid out is dependent on the number of applications received. The deadline for submission is 18 August 2024. Unfortunately, applications received after this date cannot be considered. 

You will receive the confirmation of the amount to be paid before the start of the conference. The money will be transferred after the conference.

Additional benefits
As a FEMS Member Society member, you can:

  • benefit from the grant provided for this meeting (see Eligibility above)
  • apply for a range of other FEMS Grants
  • benefits/discounts off the registration fee for FEMS Congresses/Conferences
  • benefit from a 25% discount off a selection of Oxford University Press books

Visa Request

To receive a formal invitation letter for a visa application, please complete the application form. The invitation will be sent to you by email after verification. 

Visa Application Form