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International Biodeterioration
and Biodegradation Symposium

9 - 12 September 2024 | Berlin, Germany

Social Programme

The Conference Dinner will take place on Wednesday, 11 September 2024 at 7pm in the Hugo & Notte restaurant. Hugo & Notte is located in the Französchischer Dom and is situated on one of the most beautiful squares in Berlin, the Gendarmenmarkt. 

If you have time (possibly before the dinner) we recommend a visit to the viewing terrace of the Französischer Dom. From there you have the most beautiful view of the Gendarmenmarkt, Berlin Cathedral, Alexander Tower, Humboldt Forum, Red City Hall, Reichstag, Charité and much more. We recommend that you book tickets online in advance. Please note that access to the platform is not barrier-free.

The fee for the conference dinner is 92,- Euro and includes a 3-course buffet and drinks (beer, wine softdrinks) between 7pm and midnight.

The Hugo & Notte can be reached from the conference venue in 21 minutes by S-Bahn S1. From Brandenburger Tor station it is about 900 metres to walk.